Crafting A 9th Grade Compare And Contrast Essay About Hitler And Stalin

As one enters the 9th grade a common assignment that comes up is the compare and contrast. In history classes specifically, students are asked to compare and contrast perhaps the two most violent dictators of the 20th century – Hitler and Stalin. Here’s what you need to know about writing a great essay of this type on this subject:

  • Conduct Background Research Online
  • Start with some background research. Finding information online is great but you should also consider picking up some academic resources at your school’s library. Write detailed notes and citation information. Don’t forget that the more you cite academic material the more respect your assignment will garner from the reader.

  • Develop a Topic and Draft Thesis
  • Take your notes and develop a topic for your assignment as well as a draft thesis of your central argument. You will have time to change this later so don’t worry too much about getting this perfect the first time around.

  • Create a Detailed Outline for the Essay
  • One of the most important steps in writing a great paper is creating a detailed outline of your main discussion points and pieces of supporting evidence. Structure your outline exactly the way you want to present your argument. Think like the reader and how he or she will take the information logically.

  • Compose the First Draft of Your Paper
  • Use your outline to start composing the first draft of your compare and contrast essay on Hitler and Stalin. The best approach is to try to write the draft in a single sitting, without stopping to make any kind of corrections to spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc. You will have the opportunity to make these corrections at a later stage.

  • Revise the Content of Your Paper
  • Set your compare and contrast essay aside for at least a day or two. This will let you find sections of your writing that can be improved through revision. Be critical of your work and don’t be afraid to remove content if your argument would be more logical without it.

  • Edit and Proofread Your Work
  • Finally, be sure you spend ample time editing and proofreading your work. Even the best and most experienced writers will make a number of minor mistakes that need to be corrected through these exercises. Do each at several levels: the paper level, the paragraph level, and the sentence level.

Go to this site to find out more information about crafting this kind of essay and to get support from writing experts who can write, review, or edit all of your work.
