Tips And Tricks For Writing An Essay On Corruption

When you are writing an essay on corruption, there are many steps which you must complete. Each of these steps is just as important as the other because they all contribute to successful finished products.

  • When you first began working you want to make sure you have gathered all of your ideas. You want to brainstorm topics. Picking a topic is one of the most important because without a topic you are unable to proceed with the remainder of your project. When you first set up to pick a project topic you can begin brainstorming by holding a pre-writing creative session. This session is where you set a timer for 3 to 5 minutes. During this time you continually type or write on a piece of paper until the timer goes off. The purpose of this is to jog your mind and to get out anything which might be blocking your conscious focus. The brain is a magnificent tool but it can only consciously hold onto an average of seven talk text at one time. If you are trying to pick a topic for your paper but you are focused instead on seven other things you will have difficulty finding something worthwhile.
  • You can try a mind map or something similar to it. Perhaps you have a handful of ideas but you are not sure how they fit together. If this is the case you can simply put them all down on a piece of paper and try to link them together.
  • You can try to list what you know about varying ideas. Sometimes simply writing down the things that you already know will help you to question those things you do not know and to find new ideas which may be helpful to you.
  • When you start out with your project you want to make sure that you have a handful of potential topics. The reason being more often than not the first topic you select will be too broad. If this is the case you will have to refine your topic and make it more manageable for your situation. You may be interested in the role played by America during the fall of Yugoslavia, but in a paper of only five pages you will be unable to cover the full two decades of time during which this took place.