The Best Way To Make An Outline For A Problem Solution Essay

A problem solution is the type of essay, which deals with a certain problem and provides a viable solution to it in the body of the paper. To create a strong paper, you must have a genuine problem in your assignment and provide a complete explanation of how to deal with this problem. Students often pick a very general problem or a broad subject to address in this paper. This is not going to make things any better. If you take “war” or “global terrorism” as the problem in your paper, then you are never going to have enough adequate space and ideas to tackle this situation. You have to pick a narrowed down topic for your paper so that you can easily address it. If you have a wide subject, you should divide it into categories, sub categories, and deal with the one that interests you the most. The narrower the problem, the easier it will be to create a realistic and valid solution.

The easiest way to write an effective problem solution essay is to create an outline before you start the writing process. Academic assignments have three main stages i.e. pre writing, writing and post writing. Creating an outline is a part of the pre-writing phase. This is where you collect all the data for your paper, develop an understanding, finalize a topic, analyze, and organize the data in an outline to create a roadmap for the rest of the assignment. This makes your task easier and reduces your efforts when you have a proper organized plan for your assignment.

If you are wondering how to create a strong outline for your problem solution paper, you should consider the following milestones for each section. They will help you design and organize the sections in your paper.

  1. Developing an interest of the reader- This is the first thing you have to do in a great paper and you can do this in your introduction paragraph by adding a hook
  2. Convincing the reader of the significance of the problem and that it needs to be addressed
  3. Writing a clear solution to address in the body of your paper
  4. Arguing that the solution you provide is SMART and valid
  5. Refuting other solutions for the same problem and proving that your ideas are right